Due to the global recession, the entire world’s economy takes a u-turn that hurts businesses badly. This uncertain period kills all the marketing strategies except email marketing which always stands tall.
The survey’s findings about the various communication channels that businesses and marketers must use were among its most startling findings. Email marketing won out when people were asked to choose the three channels that would provide the high ROI (return on investment) during a downturn. Small business marketing intends to get more customers and generate more revenue, so email marketing is simply best for small businesses.
Reasons why email marketing is best
Email marketing that stands tall
Studies have frequently demonstrated that companies that spend money on marketing during a recession have an advantage over those that don’t. In a well-known case study, reliable research found that during the 1980s recession, businesses with aggressive marketing strategies outgrew those with more conservative methods by 256%.
Additionally, research from the 2008 financial crisis demonstrated that companies that kept up their marketing output had 3.5 times more brand visibility than those that reduced or stopped their advertising activities. Email marketing is a valuable asset whatever the size of the business. Your marketing budget will be under control when you choose email marketing as your primary marketing option.
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It always stays top on the roof
Emails are a dependable bet for marketers to contact their customers despite the constantly shifting internet landscape and the rise (and subsequent demise) of many social sites. So much so that email marketing is ranked in the top three channels for growth and retention by more than 40% of American firms.
An estimated 4 billion people use email every day in 2022. By 2025, 4.6 billion people are anticipated to exist on the planet. Additionally, approximately 85% of customers check their email inboxes at least once each day, boosting the likelihood that your emails will be seen by the people you are trying to reach.
Making emails that stand out and attract clients will increase engagement and boost your company’s competitiveness. Additionally, you can collaborate with an email marketing solutions provider to hire professionals to manage and customise your content. Customers will learn about your company through email marketing, and you’ll stay top-of-mind for them. In a time when consumers will be more cautious with their money, your company will be able to connect with a growing and engaged user base.
Email marketing is rewarding
Already, marketing to your current consumers generates five to twenty-five times more revenue than attempting to attract new clients. In particular, email marketing gives your company an average return of $42 for every dollar invested.
Email marketing is distinctive since these clients have consented to hear from you and are more receptive to your marketing initiatives. This change gives you the chance to foster customer loyalty, which is essential when your company is most likely to lose customers due to a recession.
Making sure current customers are the centre of your email marketing efforts can help keep them as clients. When times are tough, have a committed staff of email marketing experts on hand to provide content that connects with your customers.