Top 5 Marketing Automation Workflows to Try in 2023

Marketing is a critical expenditure for every company. Working in marketing, on the other hand, is a challenging one. There will frequently be hundreds of assets, deadlines, and lead gathering and nurturing. To boost efficiency, all of these require structure and a workflow.

A marketing workflow is a series of actions or activities that your team must do to finish a task or asset. Marketing workflows can be complicated, combining multiple tasks into one, or as simple as gathering email addresses into a spreadsheet.

Marketing Automation

They can vary depending on the task, the volume of work, and the team size. Workflows, in the end, allow marketing teams to be more effective and productive. Marketing teams can now profit from automating the workflows they’ve developed over time, owing to ever-evolving technology.

Definition of Marketing Automation workflow

A marketing automation workflow is the automatic completion of a specific marketing-related action or activity. It is made up of a series of steps that are carried out automatically once triggers are established in the software. In other words, whether a user or the marketing team does a specific activity, the process automatically moves from one phase to the next.

Workflow marketing automation can be set up in a variety of ways. However, companies that focus on lead creation and lead nurturing are gaining benefits through marketing automation workflows. 80% of marketers reported a boost in lead generation after implementing marketing automation tools. marketing automation tool helps you send thousands of email at the same time. Want to try this? Please click here to see the demo.

Best Marketing Automation Workflows in 2023

Let’s see about some marketing automation workflows that are going to be vital in 2023.

Welcome workflow

When a person registers, they become a new contact who has expressed interest in your company. This is a successful conversion, which means the contact has progressed from visitor to registered contact status. This contact has demonstrated clear intent in terms of lead qualifying. As a result, it is more open to receiving relevant marketing communication; in fact, subscribers who receive welcome emails engage with the company 33% more.

A welcome workflow is often comprised of an email or a series of linked emails. Whatever path you take, make sure to send an email as soon as possible. The current user expectation is that an email will be delivered to their inbox upon registration.

Re-engagement workflow

An interested contact may quit communicating with your brand for a variety of reasons, including a change in jobs, interests, or geography. Re-engagement efforts are intended to remind contacts of the features of your brand that they found appealing in the first place, as well as to reinforce your company’s value proposition.

Cart abandonment workflow

Although cart abandonment is commonly related to e-commerce websites, carts can be found on any website that sells products or services online. As a result, while each campaign is unique, high cart abandonment rates of 50% to 80% affect the majority of online businesses.

Cart abandonment processes provide a way to overcome impediments and re-engage the customer in the purchasing process. Send emails with product reminders, with attached reviews from previous purchases; emphasize the value proposition of the products use overlays to deliver appealing offers, or web push notifications to remind customers of their goal.

Lead nurturing workflow

Content can be used to push leads into the next lifecycle stage of a customer journey in the same way that it is used to capture excellent quality leads in the first place and keep the flow of value to those leads going.

The marketing team should ideally nurture prospects before passing them on to sales. 79% of marketing leads do not convert into sales, which is primarily due to inadequate lead nurturing. Consider that leads are not always ready to convert and may require some relationship-building before moving on to the buy phase.

Feedback workflow

Customer feedback is important, and it adds a lot of value to a company. Positive feedback can show you where you’re going wrong, and you can keep moving in that direction, increasing your effort as you go. Negative feedback, on the other hand, is a fantastic opportunity to examine your product or service from a different angle and identify development opportunities.

Customer service engagement is a common scenario for feedback. How pleased is a customer with the level of service provided by a support executive? Feedback assists in identifying areas for improvement. But that is not the only advantage. Customers benefit psychologically from the option to share their experiences. If there was a negative interaction, it is possible to repair the situation in time and keep the customer.

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